Arctic Research Plans

Current IARPC Arctic Research Plan

What is the structure of Arctic Research Plan 2017-2021?

The structure includes 4 tiers of organization: Policy Drivers, Research Goals, Research Objectives and Performance Elements. We also note that the order of the Policy Drivers, Research Goals and Guiding Principles does not reflect a priority or ranking.

Read more about the Policy Drivers, Research Goals and Guiding Principles here.

Past Arctic Research Plans

What has been the impact of Arctic Research Plan 2013-2017?

The implementation progress of the last 5-year Arctic Research Plan was tracked on the IARPC collaborations website. IARPC teams have been working to implement over 160 milestones. Additionally, each year, IARPC submits an annual report as its contribution to the implementation of the National Strategy on the Arctic Region (NSAR). You can find this report on the IARPC collaborations website. Finally, in December 2015, IARPC published its Biennial Report which is a high-level report required by the IARPC enabling legislations.