Privacy Policy and Member Agreement

Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee Collaborations

  1. This Member Agreement and Privacy Policy describe membership in and use of information in the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee Collaborations website ("IARPCCollaborations"). The IARPC Collaborations website is maintained by the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee ("IARPC"), for the purposes of fostering collaboration, cooperation and the exchange of information about Arctic research among scientists, researchers, government officials and others interested in Arctic research.
  2. IARPC is a committee of the United States Government. The IARPC Collaborations website is funded and controlled by the IARPC.
  3. IARPC Collaborations website does not collect personally identifiable information on site users who are not members.
  4. Membership in the IARPC Collaborations website is voluntary and subject to the approval of the IARPC, which reserves the right to revoke membership at any time.
  5. Membership in the IARPC Collaborations website is only available to persons over the age of eighteen years of age.
  6. Members of the site agree to share the personal information they make available to others by posting it in their profile section of the website. Members may post additional information to make it available to other members. Members agree not to post information about anyone other than themselves without the permission of those persons.
  7. Members agree to use information provided by other members only for purposes related to Arctic research. Members of this site expressly agree not to use member information for any commercial purposes.
  8. Members may review, amend or remove their profile information. A member may resign membership and completely delete their profile by contacting the webmaster at
  9. IARPC collects information and data about how members and other site users use this site. IARPC uses this information for the purpose of improving the site. This information may be retained for an indefinite period. IARPC also retains backup copies of the information on this site in order to ensure reliability.
  10. IARPC data is information in the possession of the United States government, and as such, may be subject to release in accordance with the laws of the United States.
  11. IARPC shares information it collects and member information with IARPC, its staff, and its web services provider. IARPC does not use or share site data with others for commercial purposes, except that information members provide is available to other members. IARPC may provide site information to others when required by United States law.
  12. Data hosting and hosting security is provided by The Tactile Group.
  13. Concerns about data security should be directed to