Planned Research Vessel Movements: 2024 Research Season

Each spring, summer, and fall, numerous research vessels travel through Alaska and Arctic waters. IARPC and federal agencies compile planned research expedition dates, planned routes, research goals, and locations of data-collection moorings.

Our hope is that researchers can use the information about research expeditions to coordinate activities, and that communities can use it to understand what vessels are in their waters and how to contact them if necessary. Additionally, with the list of mooring locations we aim to inform the scientific community and vessel operators of the locations of all moorings presently deployed in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas. This will reduce the risk of damage to the moorings and facilitate collaborative science activities.

On this page you will find a spreadsheet with all planned expeditions, brief descriptions of expeditions, and a spreadsheet of mooring locations.

The spreadsheets will be periodically updated and emailed out to partners. If you would like to receive updates, sign up for the email distribution list. Please contact with any questions, or to provide additional information about upcoming expeditions.

Download the spreadsheet of research expeditions

Excel | PDF
Updated August 8, 2024

Download the spreadsheet of mooring locations

Excel | PDF
Updated July 16, 2024

Pre-field season meeting

On April 24, IARPC held a pre-field season meeting. The meeting included lighting-talk presentations from principal investigators leading research expeditions in Alaska and Arctic waters in 2024, followed by group discussion. It supported the exchange of information about planned expedition objectives and facilitated collaborations. It was hosted by the Field Operations, Sea Ice, and Marine Ecosystems communities of practice

2024 expeditions

Expeditions here are organized by location, then launch date. If an expedition will visit more than one location, it appears under both location headers. To see all expeditions at once, download the spreadsheet above, or view the calendar below.

Click each vessel photo to go to that vessel's webpage. Click each expedition track to see a larger version of the image.

Jump to location:
Gulf of Alaska
Aleutian Islands Region
Bering Sea
Chukchi & Beaufort Seas
North Atlantic Ocean

Gulf of Alaska

GulfWatch Alaska Long-Term Monitoring of Humpback Whales

research vessel babkin

Photo: Babkin Charters

March 29 - April 3
Departs from: Whittier, Alaska
Returns to: Whittier, Alaska
Research location: Prince William Sound
Vessel: Babkin (Babkin Charters)
Description: Spring humpback whale/herring survey.
For more information, contact: Lauren Wild,
Last updated: March 13

Alaska Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Forecasting Cruise

research vessel oscar dyson

Photo: NOAA

April 3-8
Departs from: Kodiak, Alaska
Returns to: Kodiak, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Oscar Dyson (NOAA)
Description: Not provided
For more information, contact: Terry McTigue,
Last updated: March 22
Vessel track not provided.

Alaska Emerging Commerce Charting and Mapping

research vessel fairweather

Photo: NOAA

April 10-27
Departs from: Ketchikan, Alaska
Returns to: Ketchikan, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Fairweather (NOAA)
Description: This project will focus on acquisition of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data. It will support NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey by improving areas noted as inadequate in the Hydrographic Health Model as well as fulfill a Seabed 2030 mapping need. The project will provide modern bathymetry data for updating National Ocean Service nautical charting products improving maritime safety.
For more information, contact: Martha Herzog,
Last updated: February 28
Vessel track not provided.

NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) Ocean Climate Stations - Ocean Station Papa Moorings

research vessel oscar dyson

Photo: NOAA

April 13-20
Departs from: Kodiak, Alaska
Returns to: Kodiak, Alaska
Research location: Eastern North Pacific
Vessel: Oscar Dyson (NOAA)
Description: Specific mooring location: 50 ºN, 145 ºW.
For more information, contact: Patrick Berk,; Meghan Cronin,; Robert Dziak,
Last updated: February 28
Vessel track not provided.

Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research

research vessel sikuliaq

Photo: Kim Kenny/NSF

April 23 - May 23
Departs from: Seward, Alaska
Returns to: Seward, Alaska
Research location: Northern coastal Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Sikuliaq (NSF)
Description: In the Northern Gulf of Alaska study area, the biological community is highly productive. The lower levels of the food chain (phytoplankton and zooplankton) support the iconic fish, crabs, seabirds, and marine mammals of Alaska. Large increases in phytoplankton during the spring and sustained production during the summer support zooplankton that transfer energy up the food chain. Substantial amounts of this organic matter also sink to feed animals on the sea bottom. Our research team investigates the features, mechanisms, and processes that drive Northern Gulf of Alaska ecosystem production and foster its resilience.
For more information, contact: Russ Hopcroft,
Last updated: March 5
Vessel track not provided.

Alaska Emerging Commerce Charting and Mapping

research vessel fairweather

Photo: NOAA

May 1-15
Departs from: Ketchikan, Alaska
Returns to: Kodiak, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Fairweather (NOAA)
Description: This project will focus on acquisition of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data. It will support NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey by improving areas noted as inadequate in the Hydrographic Health Model as well as fulfill a Seabed 2030 mapping need. The project will provide modern bathymetry data for updating National Ocean Service nautical charting products improving maritime safety.
For more information, contact: Martha Herzog,
Last updated: February 28
Vessel track not provided.

Eastern Bering Sea Ichthyoplankton Survey (Spring)

research vessel oscar dyson

Photo: NOAA

May 17-31
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: Shelikof Strait and sea valley and Gulf of Alaska, and the Bering Sea
Vessel: Oscar Dyson (NOAA)
Description: The objective of this survey is to conduct an assessment of eggs and larvae of walleye pollock over the eastern Bering Sea shelf. We also examine the interactions among climate, weather, and ichthyoplankton distribution and abundance. This work is needed to describe larval fish assemblages and determine how physical and biological factors affect the transport and survival of fish larvae.
For more information, contact: Steve Porter,
Last updated: March 4

Alaska Emerging Commerce Charting and Mapping

research vessel fairweather

Photo: NOAA

May 21-31
Departs from: Kodiak, Alaska
Returns to: Kodiak, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Fairweather (NOAA)
Description: This project will focus on acquisition of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data. It will support NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey by improving areas noted as inadequate in the Hydrographic Health Model as well as fulfill a Seabed 2030 mapping need. The project will provide modern bathymetry data for updating National Ocean Service nautical charting products improving maritime safety.
For more information, contact: Martha Herzog,
Last updated: February 28
Vessel track not provided.

Ocean Observatories Initiative Global Station Papa Array; Waves at Papa YR3

research vessel sikuliaq

Photo: Kim Kenny/NSF

May 26 - June 18
Departs from: Seward, Alaska
Returns to: Seward, Alaska
Research location: Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Sikuliaq (NSF)
Description: The Global Station Papa Array is located in the Gulf of Alaska next to the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) Surface Buoy. The region is extremely vulnerable to ocean acidification, has a productive fishery, and low eddy variability. It is impacted by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and adds to a broader suite of OOI and other observatory sites in the Northeast Pacific.
For more information, contact: Deidra Emrich,; James Thompson,
Last updated: March 5
Vessel track not provided.

Seascape Alaska Mapping Project - USGS Kodiak

research vessel fairweather

Photo: NOAA

June 7-15
Departs from: Kodiak, Alaska
Returns to: Kodiak, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Fairweather (NOAA)
Description: For approximately 20 days in summer 2023, the Seascape Alaska (USGS Kodiak) project will collect multibeam bathymetry data at a minimum 30-meter resolution across a large portion of the Southern Alaskan continental margin, offshore of the Alaska/Kenai Peninsulas, between 200- to 1500-meter water depth. The project will also collect coincident backscatter and water column data, whenever possible.
For more information, contact: Paul Turner,
Last updated: February 28

Alaska Near-Trench Community Geodetic Experiment / Meshed GNSS-Acoustic Array Design (GNSS-A 2024)

research vessel sikuliaq

Photo: Kim Kenny/NSF

June 19 - July 4
Departs from: Seward, Alaska
Returns to: Seward, Alaska
Research location: Aleutian Trench/Alaskan Current
Vessel: Sikuliaq (NSF)
Description: We will deploy acoustic transponders across segments of the Aleutian Trench to constrain the current rate of deformation building for large earthquakes. This work combines two experiments, the first is a large community effort that will establish six transponder triads (18 transponders in all) over a large geographic area (between 151° and 165°W) all at water depths less than 3000m. The second experiment will deploy a dense array of transponders in water depths between 4000 and 6000 m water depth all within an approximately 15nm area (~163°W). We will deploy two Wave Gliders to autonomously interrogate the sites between the sites. Data from the wave gliders are then used to determine cm-level horizontal positions of the transponders. A trip later this summer will pick up the Wave Gliders.
For more information, contact: Mark Zumberge,; Glenn Sasagawa,; Spahr C. Webb,; Andrew Newman,
Last updated: March 5
Vessel track not provided.

Alaska Emerging Commerce Charting and Mapping

research vessel fairweather

Photo: NOAA

June 23 - July 12
Departs from: Kodiak, Alaska
Returns to: Nome, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Fairweather (NOAA)
Description: This project will focus on acquisition of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data. It will support NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey by improving areas noted as inadequate in the Hydrographic Health Model as well as fulfill a Seabed 2030 mapping need. The project will provide modern bathymetry data for updating National Ocean Service nautical charting products improving maritime safety.
For more information, contact: Martha Herzog,
Last updated: February 28
Vessel track not provided.

EnzStab1; Gulf of Alaska Benthic Iron

research vessel sikuliaq

Photo: Kim Kenny/NSF

July 7-23
Departs from: Seward, Alaska
Returns to: Seward, Alaska
Research location: Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Sikuliaq (NSF)
Description: We will collect samples from the Gulf of Alaska and study the stability of enzymes in sediments using theoretical and experimental methods to better understand how subsurface microbial communities evolve, and to what extent enzyme stability is a driver of that evolution.
For more information, contact: Andrew Steen,; Allyson Tessin,
Last updated: March 5

Alaska Emerging Commerce Charting and Mapping

research vessel fairweather

Photo: NOAA

July 17 - August 10
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Fairweather (NOAA)
Description: This project will focus on acquisition of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data. It will support NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey by improving areas noted as inadequate in the Hydrographic Health Model as well as fulfill a Seabed 2030 mapping need. The project will provide modern bathymetry data for updating National Ocean Service nautical charting products improving maritime safety.
For more information, contact: Martha Herzog,
Last updated: February 28
Vessel track not provided.

Alaska Emerging Commerce Charting and Mapping

research vessel fairweather

Photo: NOAA

August 16-30
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Nome, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Fairweather (NOAA)
Description: This project will focus on acquisition of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data. It will support NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey by improving areas noted as inadequate in the Hydrographic Health Model as well as fulfill a Seabed 2030 mapping need. The project will provide modern bathymetry data for updating National Ocean Service nautical charting products improving maritime safety.
For more information, contact: Martha Herzog,
Last updated: February 28
Vessel track not provided.

Alaska Emerging Commerce Charting and Mapping

research vessel fairweather

Photo: NOAA

September 4-17
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Fairweather (NOAA)
Description: This project will focus on acquisition of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data. It will support NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey by improving areas noted as inadequate in the Hydrographic Health Model as well as fulfill a Seabed 2030 mapping need. The project will provide modern bathymetry data for updating National Ocean Service nautical charting products improving maritime safety.
For more information, contact: Martha Herzog,
Last updated: February 28
Vessel track not provided.

GulfWatch Alaska Long-Term Monitoring of Humpback Whales

research vessel babkin

Photo: Babkin Charters

September 17-26
Departs from: Whittier, Alaska
Returns to: Whittier, Alaska
Research location: Prince William Sound
Vessel: Babkin (Babkin Charters)
Description: Fall humpback whale/herring survey.
For more information, contact: John Moran,
Last updated: March 13
Vessel track not provided.

Alaska Emerging Commerce Charting and Mapping

research vessel fairweather

Photo: NOAA

October 21-31
Departs from: Ketchikan, Alaska
Returns to: Not provided
Research location: North Pacific; Gulf of Alaska
Vessel: Fairweather (NOAA)
Description: This project will focus on acquisition of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data. It will support NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey by improving areas noted as inadequate in the Hydrographic Health Model as well as fulfill a Seabed 2030 mapping need. The project will provide modern bathymetry data for updating National Ocean Service nautical charting products improving maritime safety.
For more information, contact: Martha Herzog,
Last updated: February 28
Vessel track not provided.

Aleutian Islands Region

Aleutian Islands Biennial Summer Bottom Trawl Survey

June 4 - August 13
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: Aleutian Islands, between Unimak Pass and Stalemate Bank
Vessel: Alaska Provider (fishing vessel); Ocean Explorer (fishing vessel)
Description: The goal of the survey is to characterize fish, crab, and other species living on or near the seafloor that have ecological and economic importance. The survey methods include observations such as species, densities, biological characteristics like length, sex, age, and feeding habits.
For more information, contact: Ned Laman,
Last updated: March 4

Alaska Near-Trench Community Geodetic Experiment / Meshed GNSS-Acoustic Array Design (GNSS-A 2024)

research vessel sikuliaq

Photo: Kim Kenny/NSF

June 19 - July 4
Departs from: Seward, Alaska
Returns to: Seward, Alaska
Research location: Aleutian Trench/Alaskan Current
Vessel: Sikuliaq (NSF)
Description: We will deploy acoustic transponders across segments of the Aleutian Trench to constrain the current rate of deformation building for large earthquakes. This work combines two experiments, the first is a large community effort that will establish six transponder triads (18 transponders in all) over a large geographic area (between 151° and 165°W) all at water depths less than 3000m. The second experiment will deploy a dense array of transponders in water depths between 4000 and 6000 m water depth all within an approximately 15nm area (~163°W). We will deploy two Wave Gliders to autonomously interrogate the sites between the sites. Data from the wave gliders are then used to determine cm-level horizontal positions of the transponders. A trip later this summer will pick up the Wave Gliders
For more information, contact: Mark Zumberge,; Glenn Sasagawa,; Spahr C. Webb,; Andrew Newman,
Last updated: March 5
Vessel track not provided.

MR24-Kimoto Leg 1

research vessel mirai


September 30 - October 2 (port calls)
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska (port call)
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska (port call)
Research location: Aleutian Islands
Vessel: Mirai (Japan)
Description: The cruise goal is to measure major and trace nutrients in the North Pacific and evaluate their variation in time and space. Data will be collected primarily using plankton sampling nets and deploying CTD rosettes. Note that this cruise will follow the MR24-ITOH cruise. There will be a science party exchange while the R/V Mirai is in port at Dutch Harbor.
For more information, contact: Katsunori Kimoto,
Last updated: April 30

Bering Sea

Ice Seal Ecology (Spring)

research vessel norseman ii

Photo: Support Vessels
of Alaska

April 15 - May 26
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: Bering Sea and Strait
Vessel: Norseman II (Support Vessels of Alaska, Inc.)
Description: Researchers will capture ribbon and spotted seals on the sea ice where they are hauled out using hand-held nets. Biologists will collect morphometrics, blood and other tissue samples from the seals, and attach satellite-linked data recorders (SDRs) before releasing them.
For more information, contact: Michael Cameron,; Heather Ziel,
Last updated: March 11

NOAA Ecosystems and Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (EcoFOCI) Spring Mooring Cruise 2024

research vessel oscar dyson

Photo: NOAA

April 26 - May 10
Departs from: Kodiak, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor
Research location: SE Bering Sea / U.S. Arctic
Vessel: Oscar Dyson (NOAA)
Description: Annual survey to provide baseline fisheries and oceanographic data to support sustainable management of living resources in the Bering Sea and the rapidly changing US Arctic ecosystem.
For more information, contact: Phyllis Stabeno,; Heather Tabisola,
Last updated: April 8
Vessel track not provided.

Eastern Bering Sea Ichthyoplankton Survey (Spring)

research vessel oscar dyson

Photo: NOAA

May 17-31
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: Shelikof Strait and sea valley and Gulf of Alaska, and the Bering Sea
Vessel: Oscar Dyson (NOAA)
Description: The objective of this survey is to conduct an assessment of eggs and larvae of walleye pollock over the eastern Bering Sea shelf. We also examine the interactions among climate, weather, and ichthyoplankton distribution and abundance. This work is needed to describe larval fish assemblages and determine how physical and biological factors affect the transport and survival of fish larvae.
For more information, contact: Steve Porter,
Last updated: March 4

Eastern Bering Sea Bottom Trawl Survey

May 24 - August 24
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: Bering Sea
Vessel: Northwest Explorer (fishing vessel); Alaska Knight (fishing vessel)
Description: This expedition is a standardized bottom trawl survey of the groundfish and benthic invertebrate resources of the eastern Bering Sea shelf.
For more information, contact: Duane Stevenson,
Last updated: March 18
Vessel track not provided.

Pacific Walrus Research Cruise 2024

research vessel norseman ii

Photo: Support Vessels
of Alaska

May 31 - June 28
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Nome, Alaska
Research location: Northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea
Vessel: Norseman II (Support Vessels of America, Inc.)
Description: This project will focus on collection of genetic biopsy samples and age structure data from free ranging Pacific walruses. This is a second cruise in a series of 3-5 annual cruises aimed at obtaining updated estimates of walrus population abundance, trend, and demographic parameters.
For more information, contact: Irina Trukhanova,; William Beatty,
Last updated: March 19

Bering Sea Biennial Walleye Pollock Acoustic (Summer)

research vessel oscar dyson

Photo: NOAA

June 5-25
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Bering Sea and Strait
Vessel: Oscar Dyson (NOAA)
Description: Not provided
For more information, contact: Sandy Parker-Stetter,; Patrick Ressler,
Last updated: March 4

The Arctic Expedition

June 20 - July 31
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Gordon, AK (will be the last region of science operations before entering Canadian waters; there will not be a port call in Gordon)
Research location: Northwest Passage
Vessel: Que Sera (Pacifique)
Description: The Arctic Expedition is a five-year tour of the Arctic Ocean, and its core mission is science with a focus on dynamic polar ecosystems in the context of rapid change and environmental health. The Summer 2024 route will depart from Alaska and travel east through the Northwest Passage. Sampling will include air and ocean measurements of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane), and temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the surfacial ocean. Opportunitistic sampling of surface debris (microplastics) and plankton via photograph will also be conducted.
For more information, contact: Marion Cherrak,
Last updated: June 11

Bering Sea Biennial Walleye Pollock Acoustic (Summer)

research vessel oscar dyson

Photo: NOAA

June 29 - July 20
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Bering Sea and Strait
Vessel: Oscar Dyson (NOAA)
Description: Not provided
For more information, contact: Sandy Parker-Stetter,; Patrick Ressler,
Last updated: March 4

Biological Condition of Pacific Salmon Stocks

research vessel hokko maru

Photo: NOAA

July 17 - August 27
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska (port call August 6-9)
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska (port call August 6-9)
Research location: Bering Sea
Vessel: Hokko-Maru (Japan)
Description: The main objective is to conduct the annual monitoring survey for Japanese chum salmon (O. keta) stocks in the Bering Sea, known as their major feeding ground. The annual monitoring survey includes the collection of physical oceanographic data via CTD, collection of plankton samples using towing nets, and genetic analysis of stock composition of chum salmon collected using surface trawl nets. Additionally, sonar data will be collected via ultrasonic echosounder. The vessel will be in port in Dutch Harbor August 6-9.
For more information, contact: Kentaro Honda,
Last updated: February 28

Bering Sea Biennial Walleye Pollock Acoustic (Summer)

research vessel oscar dyson

Photo: NOAA

July 24 - August 14
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: North Pacific; Bering Sea and Strait
Vessel: Oscar Dyson (NOAA)
Description: Not provided
For more information, contact: Sandy Parker-Stetter,; Patrick Ressler,
Last updated: March 4


research vessel sikuliaq

Photo: Kim Kenny/NSF

July 30 - August 4
Departs from: Seward, Alaska
Returns to: Nome, Alaska
Research location: Transiting through Bering Sea
Vessel: Sikuliaq (NSF)
Description: Transit
Last updated: February 27
Vessel track not provided.

Canceled: DBO-C30 Arctic Cruise

research vessel sir wilfrid laurier

Photo: Government of

August 1-17
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Utqiagvik, Alaska
Research location: Northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea
Vessel: Sir Wilfrid Laurier (Canadian Coast Guard)
Description: The collaborative US-Canada program is in support of the Distributed Biological Observatory in the Pacific Arctic. This collaboration has been ongoing since 1998.
For more information, contact: Lee Cooper,; John Nelson,
Last updated: July 15

NOAA Arctic and Ecosystem Research Cruise

research vessel sikuliaq

Photo: Kim Kenny/NSF

August 5-26
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Nome, Alaska
Research location: Northern Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, and Beaufort Sea
Vessel: Sikuliaq (NSF)
Description: Tracking change in the Arctic using an array of observational buoys, uncrewed systems, and other tools that collect observations at hot spots chosen because of high productivity of marine life and previously recorded rapid change. This cruise will support research for the following programs: Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO), Ecosystems and Fisheries Oceanography Investigations (EcoFOCI), Arctic Marine Biodiversity Observing Network (AMBON), the Chukchi Ecosystem Observatory (CEO), and the NOAA Arctic Research Program.
For more information, contact: Phyllis Stabeno,; Seth Danielson,; Jackie Grebmeier,
Last updated: April 18

2024 IWC/Japan Joint Cetacean Sighting Survey in the North

August 13
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: Bering Sea and southern Chukchi Sea
Vessel: Yushin Maru No. 2 (Japan)
Description: The objective of this survey between the International Whaling Commission and the country of Japan is to collect data to update various stock assessments of the whales of the North Pacific. Data collection will include whale sighting data collection along the tracks of survey lines; biopsy skin sampling from whales collected via shooting from bow deck; and acoustic studies using sonobuoys deployed from the ship.
For more information, contact: Koji Matsuoka,
Last updated: March 18

Eastern Bering Sea Juvenile Fish Survey (Fall)

research vessel oscar dyson

Photo: NOAA

August 19 - September 2
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: Bering Sea and Strait
Vessel: Oscar Dyson (NOAA)
Description: Not provided
For more information, contact: Alex Andrews,
Last updated: March 4

Northern Bering Sea Ecosystem and Surface Trawl (NBEST)

September 2-26
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: Northern Bering Sea
Vessel: TBD
Description: The 2024 Northern Bering Sea Ecosystem and Surface Trawl survey is a multi-disciplinary research project conducted aboard a chartered fishing vessel. The survey is scheduled to begin and end in Dutch Harbor, AK with a port call in Nome AK. The survey will include the deployment of multiple sampling gear types, including a surface trawl, a small mesh beam trawl, a bongo net, a CTD, a rosette water sampler, and a Van Veen benthic grab. The survey will support multiple research activities, including stock-specific juvenile salmon abundance estimates, the pelagic food web, fish condition, oceanographic conditions, zooplankton distribution and abundance, seabird densities, harmful algal bloom toxins, essential crab habitat, environmental DNA, and salmon shark migration.
For more information, contact: Jim Murphy,
Last updated: March 11


research vessel charcot

Photo: Ponant

September 6-26
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Longyearbyen, Svalbard
Research location: Arctic Ocean
Vessel: Le Commandant Charcot (Compagnie du Ponant)
Description: The overarching goal is to contribute to understanding of the current state, and transformation of, water masses, sea ice, marine ecosystems, carbon cycling, and plastisphere. The CHARCOT project also considers vessel performance and ethnographic studies of polar scientific expeditions. Proposed scientific sampling includes (1) seawater sampling by means of Niskin bottles at the 15 stations by a CTD, (2) plankton sampling and imaging using underwater imaging instruments attached to a cage deployed from crane/winch, and (3) measurements of sea ice, including mechanical properties and thickness. Drone flights and ice coring will be conducted, and (4) atmospheric sampling and underway weather data will be taken from the ship using the vessel weather station.
For more information, contact: Maurizio Azzaro,
Last updated: March 11

NOAA Ecosystems and Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (EcoFOCI) Fall Mooring Cruise 2024

research vessel oscar dyson

Photo: NOAA

September 7-25
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: SE Bering Sea / U.S. Arctic
Vessel: Oscar Dyson (NOAA)
Description: Annual survey to provide baseline fisheries and oceanographic data to support sustainable management of living resources in the Bering Sea and the rapidly changing US Arctic ecosystem.
For more information, contact: Phyllis Stabeno,; Heather Tabisola,
Last updated: April 8
Vessel track not provided.

Bering Strait Mooring Project

research vessel norseman ii

Photo: Support Vessels
of Alaska

September 8-18
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Nome, Alaska
Research location: Bering Strait
Vessel: Norseman II (Support Vessel of America, Inc.)
Description: Research activities include mooring recovery and redeployment, hydrographic sections with water sampling for nutrients and trace metals.
For more information, contact: Rebecca Woodgate,
Last updated: April 4


research vessel sikuliaq

Photo: Kim Kenny/NSF

September 20-30
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Newport, Alaska
Research location: Transiting south
Vessel: Sikuliaq (NSF)
Description: Transit
Last updated: February 27
Vessel track not provided.

Chukchi & Beaufort Seas

Pacific Walrus Research Cruise 2024

research vessel norseman ii

Photo: Support Vessels
of Alaska

May 31 - June 28
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Nome, Alaska
Research location: Northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea
Vessel: Norseman II (Support Vessels of America, Inc.)
Description: This project will focus on collection of genetic biopsy samples and age structure data from free ranging Pacific walruses. This is a second cruise in a series of 3-5 annual cruises aimed at obtaining updated estimates of walrus population abundance, trend, and demographic parameters.
For more information, contact: Irina Trukhanova,; William Beatty,
Last updated: March 19

The Arctic Expedition

June 20 - July 31
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Gordon, AK (will be the last region of science operations before entering Canadian waters; there will not be a port call in Gordon)
Research location: Northwest Passage
Vessel: Que Sera (Pacifique)
Description: The Arctic Expedition is a five-year tour of the Arctic Ocean, and its core mission is science with a focus on dynamic polar ecosystems in the context of rapid change and environmental health. The Summer 2024 route will depart from Alaska and travel east through the Northwest Passage. Sampling will include air and ocean measurements of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane), and temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the surfacial ocean. Opportunitistic sampling of surface debris (microplastics) and plankton via photograph will also be conducted.
For more information, contact: Marion Cherrak,
Last updated: June 11

Monitoring the Western Arctic Boundary Current in a Warming Climate: Atmospheric Forcing and Oceanographic Response

us coast guard cutter healy

Photo: Charly Hengen/

July 1 - August 1
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Kugluktuk, Canada, Alaska
Research location: Chukchi and Beaufort seas
Vessel: Healy (US Coast Guard)
Description: We will service a mooring located in the center of the Beaufort Shelfbreak Jet, 150 km east of Pt Barrow. In addition, we will carry out a broad-scale hydrographic/velocity survey of the boundary current system from Bering Strait to Amundsen Gulf in the eastern Beaufort Sea. Ancillary programs will measure harmful algal blooms, nutrients, particulate organic carbon, and surface oxygen/argon. A glider and drifting buoys will be deployed, and expendable temperature/salinity profiles will be collected.
For more information, contact: Robert Pickart,
Last updated: July 26


research vessel araon

Photo: Bernard Spragg

July 30 - August 28 (U.S. EEZ sampling dates)
U.S. port call: Nome, July 31
Research location: Chukchi Sea
Vessel: Araon (South Korea)
Description: The K-AWARE project aims to identify environmental parameters that are changing because of sea ice decreases in the Chukchi and East Siberian seas, and predict patterns of environmental change. Sampling on this cruise will include physical oceanography (CTD casts, underway measurements of surface temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluoresence), biological oceanography (niskin water sampling, phytoplankton net, EK80 scientific wide-band echo sounder), and chemical oceanography (pCO2 system, box coring). In addition, the cruise will measure atmospheric chemistry (black carbon, air temperature/pressure/humidity, ozone, aerosols) and atmospheric physics.
For more information, contact: Eun-Jin Yang,
Last updated: July 26

Canceled: Chief Scientist Training Cruise

us coast guard cutter healy

Photo: Charly Hengen/

August 1-17
Departs from: Tuktoyaktuk, Canada
Returns to: Nuuk, Greenland
Research location: Northwest Passage
Vessel: Healy (US Coast Guard)
Description: Training cruise for early career scientists. Scientific themes of transport and tracer evolution, connecting eastern and western Arctic through the Northwest Passage.
For more information, contact: Emily Eidam,; Laurie Juranek,; Jim Thompson,
Last updated: August 2

Canceled: DBO-C30 Arctic Cruise

research vessel sir wilfrid laurier

Photo: Government of

August 1-17
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Utqiagvik, Alaska
Research location: Northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea
Vessel: Sir Wilfrid Laurier (Canadian Coast Guard)
Description: The collaborative US-Canada program is in support of the Distributed Biological Observatory in the Pacific Arctic. This collaboration has been ongoing since 1998.
For more information, contact: Lee Cooper,; John Nelson,
Last updated: July 15

NOAA Arctic and Ecosystem Research Cruise

research vessel sikuliaq

Photo: Kim Kenny/NSF

August 5-26
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Nome, Alaska
Research location: Northern Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, and Beaufort Sea
Vessel: Sikuliaq (NSF)
Description: Tracking change in the Arctic using an array of observational buoys, uncrewed systems, and other tools that collect observations at hot spots chosen because of high productivity of marine life and previously recorded rapid change. This cruise will support research for the following programs: Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO), Ecosystems and Fisheries Oceanography Investigations (EcoFOCI), Arctic Marine Biodiversity Observing Network (AMBON), the Chukchi Ecosystem Observatory (CEO), and the NOAA Arctic Research Program.
For more information, contact: Phyllis Stabeno,; Seth Danielson,; Jackie Grebmeier,
Last updated: April 18

2024 IWC/Japan Joint Cetacean Sighting Survey in the North

August 13
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Research location: Bering Sea and southern Chukchi Sea
Vessel: Yushin Maru No. 2 (Japan)
Description: The objective of this survey between the International Whaling Commission and the country of Japan is to collect data to update various stock assessments of the whales of the North Pacific. Data collection will include whale sighting data collection along the tracks of survey lines; biopsy skin sampling from whales collected via shooting from bow deck; and acoustic studies using sonobuoys deployed from the ship.
For more information, contact: Koji Matsuoka,
Last updated: March 18

Bio-Physical Drivers of Bowhead Whales

research vessel ukpik

Photo via Carin Ashjian

August 17 - September 7
Departs from: Utqiagvik, Alaska
Returns to: Utqiagvik, Alaska
Research location: Beaufort Sea
Vessel: Ukpik (Southern Cross Oceanography and Survey)
Description: Not provided
For more information, contact: Carin Ashjian,
Last updated: August 6

Arctic Mobile Observing System (AMOS)

research vessel sikuliaq

Photo: Kim Kenny/NSF

August 29 - September 27
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Nome, Alaska
Research location: Chukchi and Beaufort seas
Vessel: Sikuliaq (NSF)
Description: The planned AMOS prototype is an Arctic mobile observing system of systems that will enable 2-way communications, under-ice mobile vehicle navigation and extended-duration autonomy in the complex Arctic environment. The primary focus of the AMOS INP will be on mobile systems that drift with the sea ice cover and/or operate autonomously within the water column. It is envisioned that AMOS will consist of a node (central ice tethered mooring), mobile sensing platforms and an energy management capability that includes ice tethered docking.
For more information, contact: Craig Lee,
Last updated: March 26
Vessel track not provided.


research vessel charcot

Photo: Ponant

September 6-26
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Longyearbyen, Svalbard
Research location: Arctic Ocean
Vessel: Le Commandant Charcot (Compagnie du Ponant)
Description: The overarching goal is to contribute to understanding of the current state, and transformation of, water masses, sea ice, marine ecosystems, carbon cycling, and plastisphere. The CHARCOT project also considers vessel performance and ethnographic studies of polar scientific expeditions. Proposed scientific sampling includes (1) seawater sampling by means of Niskin bottles at the 15 stations by a CTD, (2) plankton sampling and imaging using underwater imaging instruments attached to a cage deployed from crane/winch, and (3) measurements of sea ice, including mechanical properties and thickness. Drone flights and ice coring will be conducted, and (4) atmospheric sampling and underway weather data will be taken from the ship using the vessel weather station.
For more information, contact: Maurizio Azzaro,
Last updated: March 11

14th Chinese Arctic Research Expedition

research vessel ji di

September 10-20
Departs from: N/A—no port call
Returns to: N/A—no port call
Research location: Chukchi Sea
Vessel: Ji Di (China)
Description: This research expedition will conduct ship-based surveys and station-based observations in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean. The aim is to invesitgate the impact of climate change in the Arctic region by examining ecosystem responses to environmental shifts. The survey will be conducted along the Longitude 168.5 °W. The study site is located in Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) sector 3. Measurements will include seawater temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, and dissolved oxygen. Nets will be used to collect biological and chemical data at designated survey stations.
For more information, contact: Jianfang Chen,
Last updated: June 24

Joint Ocean Ice Studies; Beaufort Gyre Observing System

research vessel louis st. laurent

Photo: Government of

September 17-20
Departs from: TBD
Returns to: TBD
Research location: Beaufort Sea
Vessel: Louis S. St-Laurent (Canadian Coast Guard)
Description: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, in collaboration with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Yale University, and National Science Foundation, annually (since 2003) monitors oceanographic conditions in the Beaufort Gyre, to assess climate variations. Flow into the Arctic through the Bering Strait can allow migration of Pacific species into the Arctic, increase ice melt, and impact ocean circulation changes that influence the Arctic food web. Sampling activities will include CTD/rosette for oceanic profiles, zooplankton collection, deployment of ice tethered profiling buoys for a year or longer, and recovery/redeployment of three 3,800m long moorings. NOTE that research will be conducted in the Alaskan EEZ but the vessel will make no port calls.
For more information, contact: John Nelson,; Paul Macoun,
Last updated: April 2

R/V Mirai MR24-Itoh

research vessel mirai


September 30 - October 2 (port call dates)
Departs from: Dutch Harbor, Alaska (port call)
Returns to: Dutch Harbor, Alaska (port call)
Research location: Chukchi, Beaufort, and East Siberian seas
Vessel: Mirai (Japan)
Description: R/V Mirai will conduct hydrographic, paleoenvironmental, and biogeochemical surveys, including plankton, microplastic, and bottom sediment samplings, from the Chukchi, Beaufort, and East Siberian seas to marginal ice zones of the Canada Basin. Moorings will be recovered and re-deployed on the pathway of the Pacific-origin water to monitor its transport and impact on marine ecosystems. In marginal ice zones, we will approach to se-ice floes using a small working boat to measure marine environments by various sensors and to collect water, sea ice, plankton, and microplastic samples. An underwater drone will be launched from an ice-edge to ice-covered areas. Some flying drones will be used to measure meteorological parameters and to assess the conditions of sea ice and waves. Various drifting buoys will be launched to measure the ocean waves, currents, and temperature.
For more information, contact: NAME, EMAIL
Last updated: March 18
Vessel track not provided.

North Atlantic Ocean

The Arctic Expedition

June 20 - July 31
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Gordon, AK (will be the last region of science operations before entering Canadian waters; there will not be a port call in Gordon)
Research location: Northwest Passage
Vessel: Que Sera (Pacifique)
Description: The Arctic Expedition is a five-year tour of the Arctic Ocean, and its core mission is science with a focus on dynamic polar ecosystems in the context of rapid change and environmental health. The Summer 2024 route will depart from Alaska and travel east through the Northwest Passage. Sampling will include air and ocean measurements of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane), and temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the surfacial ocean. Opportunitistic sampling of surface debris (microplastics) and plankton via photograph will also be conducted.
For more information, contact: Marion Cherrak,
Last updated: June 11

Canceled: Chief Scientist Training Cruise

us coast guard cutter healy

Photo: Charly Hengen/

August 1-17
Departs from: Tuktoyaktuk, Canada
Returns to: Nuuk, Greenland
Research location: Northwest Passage
Vessel: Healy (US Coast Guard)
Description: Training cruise for early career scientists. Scientific themes of transport and tracer evolution, connecting eastern and western Arctic through the Northwest Passage.
For more information, contact: Emily Eidam,; Laurie Juranek,; Jim Thompson,
Last updated: August 2


research vessel charcot

Photo: Ponant

September 6-26
Departs from: Nome, Alaska
Returns to: Longyearbyen, Svalbard
Research location: Arctic Ocean
Vessel: Le Commandant Charcot (Compagnie du Ponant)
Description: The overarching goal is to contribute to understanding of the current state, and transformation of, water masses, sea ice, marine ecosystems, carbon cycling, and plastisphere. The CHARCOT project also considers vessel performance and ethnographic studies of polar scientific expeditions. Proposed scientific sampling includes (1) seawater sampling by means of Niskin bottles at the 15 stations by a CTD, (2) plankton sampling and imaging using underwater imaging instruments attached to a cage deployed from crane/winch, and (3) measurements of sea ice, including mechanical properties and thickness. Drone flights and ice coring will be conducted, and (4) atmospheric sampling and underway weather data will be taken from the ship using the vessel weather station.
For more information, contact: Maurizio Azzaro,
Last updated: March 11

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image of the vessel oscar dyson with text reading more information

This information was compiled and verified by IARPC in collaboration with the National Science Foundation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of State, U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Naval Research, and international researchers.

View past research expedition vessel status trackers:

View past mooring trackers:

SHARE Principles for Conducting Research in the Arctic:

  • Sustain and build relationships
  • Humble accountability
  • Advance responsible environmental stewardship
  • Respect Indigenous knowledges
  • Effective communication
