Below are publications that provide a foundation for or summarize 's work. If you have a suggestion for a document to add to this list, please contact Liz Weinberg at
Arctic Research Plan 2022-2026 and Related Documents
Arctic Research Plan & Implementation Plan
Reporting on Implementation Plan Progress
Supplemental Materials
Past Arctic Research Plans
Reports to Congress
Annual Reports
Legislation & Foundational Documents
Budget Publications
U.S. Federal Agency Arctic-Specific Publications
For key publications from federal agencies, see the agency summary pages and posts made under the Publications tag on the members-only side of Collaborations. (Not a member of Collaborations? Request an account.)
National Strategy for the Arctic Region
Arctic Research of the United States
Prior to the reconstitution of as a member of the National Science & Technology Council, included regular updates in the journal Arctic Research of the United States. Published from 1987 through 2007, the journal was created for people and organizations interested in learning about U.S. government-financed Arctic research activities. It was published by the National Science Foundation on behalf of and in cooperation with the U.S. Arctic Research Commission.