International Cooperative Engagement Program for Polar Research Community of Practice

Advancing polar science and technology through international cooperation

Scope of Activities

The International Cooperative Engagement Program for Polar Research (ICE-PPR) is an agreement between the partner nations' defense departments and government agencies engaged in polar research to help advance polar science and technology. The partners are the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of National Defence of Canada (CAN DND), the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Denmark (DEN MOD), the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Finland (FIN MOD), the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Norway (NOR MOD), and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden (SWE). Working groups have stood up to focus on the environment, human performance, platforms, and situational awareness. Exercises, asset sharing, and experimentation activities are also included and have already shown cost savings and increases in knowledge about partners' capabilities and gaps for safe operations in the Arctic.

To access the forum and contribute to ICE-PPR updates, documents, and events, please request an account on our member space.

Team Leaders

John Woods
US Office of Naval Research, Global/OPNAV N94

Deliverables from the Arctic Research Plan
