Cold/High Anaerobic Digestion Workshop

March 4 to 7

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Cold/High Anaerobic Digestion: Renewable energy from anaerobic digestion in remote and off-grid applications

Please join the Cold/High Anaerobic Digestion Community of Practice for a workshop on marrying anaerobic digestion (AD) off-grid technologies research with small Arctic community design and implementation. The event will be hybrid in-person and online, with the in-person event at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Lab in Fairbanks, Alaska.


March 4: Land acknowledgement and welcome mixer

March 5: AD technologies and community design research

  • Morning research: AD technology and community based design
  • Afternoon practice: Off-grid engineering and regulatory aspects
  • Evening social: Conference dinner and discussions

March 6: AD field applications and build challenges

  • Morning research: AD technologies notes from the field
  • Afternoon group build challenges: Design systems for given scenarios
  • Evening social: Northern lights viewing (optional attempt)

March 7: Local research and application field trips (optional)

  • Morning: C/HAD pilot design collaboration with NREL
  • Afternoon: Chena Hot Springs Sustainability and Northern Lights Tour or visit to the U.S. CRREL's Permafrost Tunnel Research Facilities


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Questions? Contact Robin Szmidt,